committee MEMBERS
Neil McKenzie
NEG Wales Chairman
Club Chairman, former Regional Coordinator (pre 2015). Has been involved with cycling since 1980, as a racing cyclist, club rider and race organiser, competed in road racing, track and mountain races. Worked on all levels of events from local races to Comonwealth Games (1990 & 2014) Tour of Britain (Press Moto, Peleton Safety & Junction bike 8 years) Tour de France (2007 & 2014). Also ridden for several media companies as press and tv moto and pilot for blackboard bike on UCI level races. Qualified as NEG level 1, Assessor, CSAS marshal & Regional Road Race Commissaire.
- Ducati 950
Jeff Thomas
Club Secretary
I joined NEG Wales in 2003 and over the subsequent years have greatly enjoyed Cycle Racing in its many forms acting as a motor Cycle Marshal. I am a retired Policeman ( South Wales), I have an IAM Advanced Qualification, a Level 1 NEG Accreditation, a UCI Driver grade accreditation , I am an Assistant Regional Road Race Commissaire and have a CSAS Accreditation with Wales Cycle Racing. During my 16 years of Marshalling I have taken part in many cycle Races of Premiere and Club Race status in many areas of the UK. I have been fortunate to have Marshalled several major Cycle events – two Surrey Classic races , the Tour de France (London Grand Depart) 2007 and London Olympics 2012.
My motor cycle is an old favourite – Honda Pan European, maroon, CK57 CVT.
I am currently our Club Secretary and a member of the Executive Committee.
- 07710 254460
- Honda Pan European
Keith Francis
MSO Training Officer
I’ve been a member of NEGW for 5 years, working my way up to NEG1. Been the training officer for 2 years that involves taking on new trainees and supporting them through the process to qualify. I also support qualified members in their upgrades. Working as a traffic officer and a mentor, also a member of the executive committee.
- 07971 378043
- FJR 1300
committee members
Aled Jones
Regional Co-ordinator
Previously worked within the financial services for 20 years, I have been working with Welsh Cycling since 2013 as Cycling Development Officer South West Wales. I was inspired by Stephen Roche’s Tour de France win in 1987 when I joined a local club. During this time I have experienced most disciplines of cycling from cycle speedway to stage races. When not working, I am involved in the sport as a race organiser, Commissaire on the road, Moto Commissaire, member of NEG Wales and NEG Coordinator for Wales.
- 07813304554
- Honda NC750X
Phil Williams
NEG Kit Co-ordinator
Phil has been a member of the NEG for a number of years. He has attended several elite races in his NEG career including the British Women’s Tour. He’s our go to man for everything kit related.
- 07771660887
- Yamaha FJR
Stuart Kramer
My journey into the NEG Wales was as follows : Ran the London Marathon (2010), Cycled Ride London (2013), started entering Triathlons, spoke to Motos at the events, became a Triathlon Moto referee having done IAM Advanced motorcyle training, carried on cycling and spectating at cycling events, spoke to more motos dressed in High Viz …….. and here we are now three years later. Currently NEG3 hoping to move to NEG2 after this season. Website skills slowly improving !!
- 07976358613
- BMW F850 GSA